
Showing posts from February, 2011


I thank you All who were there for me To support and encourage Am grateful To you all Who helped me keep on With the struggle I appreciate all your Love, guidance And the conquering spirit You all instilled in me

When beautiful is ugly

Maltilda! Oh Maltilda! What a name! What a beauty To behold Maltilda Everywhere you pass All men their heads turn awed by your angelic beauty Mouths agape, they wonder what god created thee Maltilda, such a beauty you are You make every lad's blood in our village Boil ceaselessly Oh Maltilda! What a beautiful waste Were it not for thy foul mouth I would have gladly shed my blood… My boiling blood to have you As my lost limb Maltilda What a waste you have become What a shame For thee a stunning beauty For to all that cross Your path to abuse Spit at and scorn Maltilda! Maltilda! What a waste! Of God’s creation What a shame! Maltilda The uncouth beauty Ugly and less endowed Maidens have companions But You the beautiful uncultured lass Are yet to get anybody to whisper Sweet nothings in your brazen ears Maltilda I now believe The story of The beautiful ugly lass Who married a tortoise


I a m traveling in my personal jet across the azure of the dark continent. Am inspecting My oil rig In the Niger Delta Overseeing the installation Of new equipment. Tomorrow We shall sign a takeover agreement With Bush-Talk Media This will make us The biggest media house In East and Central Africa . Ahh! Dreams! All but dreams, dreams Dreams, But one must dream Dreams make man

I ain't no coward

You say I should punch him You scold me saying I have become a ‘woman’ You laugh at me whenever I avoid a quarrel You tell me I should ‘show’ the man Now you want me to hit a woman! Brother Listen to me Hear my voice I ain’t no coward I be no weakling as you think The world is not about Punch him Hit them Nor Is it about ‘Teach the fellow a lesson’ We live peace We preach peace We believe in amicability We are for harmony Brother I implore thee Listen to me Hear my cry A cry for peace, A cry for tranquility A cry for one love Brother In ensuring oneness Harmony Brotherhood and sisterhood I be no coward Nor no doormat

Till religion do us apart

My love, we have known each for a while Why not take our relationship to the next level? Take me to your parents I want to be born in the family Take my hand, I shall give you a shoulder to lean, dear Come closer I will comfort you, my love Let us make a forever union. Union ? Forever? With you? You must face the knife You must get saved Change to Catholism Become a Protestant first No, I can’t even trust You will change willingly Or Wholeheartedly We must part, Let me be I want some hajji, I want a born-again christian like me I want a Catholic, Nay It is my Protestant brother I need Ooooooooooooh! What must me do For I love you so dearly I need you in mine life Leaving you is like facing the gallows... But, I must get a partner of my religion That's what to me matters Not your love Besides, My family shall disown me We must part, Now!

Lovey holily

Round and round you moved Snaking and snailing about You did By the time home was yonder Mine tranquility In thy presence Was lost Whence Must me lift mine graceful eyes When thee mine gainly purpose Do strangle and mine tomorrow break With unwanton abandon All for the eyes of you To cast thy grace upon mine Ugly presence afore Dear me Thy art mine homely maid need To behold with boldness untold To assuage thy calmly lonely lovey melancholy To soothe thee The immaculate articulate dovey Queen of the windy mountained kingdom Thy presence in absence Inspires mine Verses to mine tumbling nerves quiet And hush for thee art merrily verily In thy homely holily


You be the angel The hope to humanity The light That dark corners illuminates Hope The perfect articulate support Thy strength infuses and abounds Evaristic tasks You be the angel of hope The love that wafts From thy presence Must it keep thee The angelic hope


we met talked mocked fought and apart left

When I cross the bar

When my time on earth does To a stop come, brethrens Do, under a lonely mango tree Bury my body Clansmen When my days are over Let me with nature uninterrupted live Able to stretch my arms and legs Tribe’s mates When I cross the bar Let me at peace with nature be Do not box me and barricade me No concrete dwelling place wants me Let nature and me marry Brethrens Me want not at war with nature be Bury me under a mango tree When I breathe no more